On behalf of the Directors of Ely Masonic Hall Ltd, welcome back to Ely Freemasonry.
Everyone will be aware that the world is a different place since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and whilst restrictions have been removed there are still things, we need to do now Covid-19 is part of our lives. Over the past few months, we have worked hard to make Silver Street safe and welcoming for everyone. We are sure you will join us in following this guidance to keep us all safe, well and enjoying Freemasonry.
What to do and expect
Before you come
If you have Covid-19 symptoms do not attend your meeting. Even if you are unsure it’s safer to stay away until you are tested and have received your results. We’ll see you safe and well at the next meeting.
Checking in
Check into Silver Street using the NHS Test and Trace QR code which is displayed in the building entrance. If you do not have the NHS Test and Trace App on your phone you will need to provide contact details on entry.
Hand sanitiser
Use the hand sanitiser stations provided, they are there to keep you and others safe.
Face coverings
If you still wish to wear a face covering while you are in the building that’s fine. This is about you feeling comfortable and enjoying your Freemasonry. If someone else is wearing one, please respect their choice.
Social distancing
Follow the current government guidance on social distancing when in the building.
Shaking hands
It may be a bit of time until everyone is comfortable with hand shaking. Whilst it’s required in ritual, some of our Brethren may be more comfortable with an elbow bump. Remember, this is about making people feel comfortable in the building and supporting everyone coming back to Freemasonry.