Sunday Lunch

12:30pm for 1pm Ely Masonic Hall on Sunday 11th February 2024

Freddie and Maurita cordially invite you to join us for a family-friendly Sunday lunch

Non-masons and family are very welcome.

Menu choices

Starters: [A] Crab Paté on Toast or [B] Vegetable Soup
Mains:  [C] Carved Gammon Roast or [D] Salmon
Dessert: [E] Cherry Pie & Custard or [F] Crème Brûlée

Please use [V] for a vegetarian option for the main course or [G] if gluten-free required.

Followed by tea or coffee and mints.

Example: BDF for vegetable soup, salmon and crème brûlée

Please V for a vegetarian option


Please send a payment of £25 per guest (£15 for children up to 12) via BACS to:

Barclays Acc: Descensus Aquarum Lodge Acc No: 20320455 Sort Code: 20-29-68

Please use reference. SL + your surname